xPRY Token
Core Mechanisms, Utilities and Structural Parameters of the xPRY Token.
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Core Mechanisms, Utilities and Structural Parameters of the xPRY Token.
Last updated
Name of the Token : Perpy Escrowed Token
Ticker : xPRY
Contract address : https://arbiscan.io/token/0x811fc48cac2b41caabbf0bdcbcbdefa1db4d74d8
xPRY is an illiquid, non-transferable Escrowed token obtainable through a conversion mechanism. Its primary utility rests upon the ability for an xPRY holder to allocate it to different modules which are structured around the various Core Mechanisms of Perpy Protocol.
By converting PRY to xPRY, one is able to allocate a certain amount of xPRY to different plugins of various modules to gain access to their respective benefits. These benefits play a central role in their respective underlying protocol feature.