PERP Vaults: How to Deposit/Withdraw in a trading vault?
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If you want to invest, simply click on the "Invest" button of a vault that interests you.
You will arrive at the page below:
Enter the amount of USDC you wish to deposit. Minimum $5.
Click on Approve. A Metamask popup will appear. Confirm the transaction and wait for its validation.
Click on Deposit. A new Metamask popup will appear. Confirm the transaction.
A) Upon depositing your funds, they will be visibly accounted for in this section.
B) This feature enables the withdrawal of funds from the vault
USDC contract: 0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831
When a trade is in progress, a warning message alerts users. Consequently, funds are temporarily held in a buffer until the trader closes all their trades. Only then will you receive your share of the vault.
Enter the amount of USDC you wish to auto-deposit. Minimum $5.
Click on Approve. A Metamask popup will appear. Confirm the transaction and wait for its validation.
Click on Auto-deposit. A new Metamask popup will appear. Confirm the transaction.
You will see your pending funds after refreshing the page. 11 USDC have been programmed for auto-deposit in the example below.
It ensures that the trader's position is not modified during a trade and offers a smoother trading experience on Perpy.
To withdraw your funds from the vault, the process is nearly identical.
Click on 'MAX' to select your entire share (all the money you have in the vault). Then click 'Approve,' initiate the transaction, and wait until the 'Withdraw' button is no longer grayed out.
Click the 'Withdraw' button, initiate the new transaction, and you're done!
To withdraw your funds while one or more trades are active in the vault, you must set up an automatic withdrawal.
If trades remain open after one month, users within those vaults have the option to close the trades and withdraw their funds if necessary."